Mohamad Mahmud Niang

Mohamad Mahmud NiangSëriñ Muhammad Mahmud Ñan (or Serigne Mouhammadou Mahmoudou Niang) is one of the leading and oldest living Murid scholars. He performed “tarbiyya” with his father (i.e, received the basic soul training involving physical work, discipline), later studied religious sciences in Diourbel with Sëriñ Muhammad Dem (or Serigne Mouhammadou Dème), a disciple of Ahmadu Bamba, and finally served as special secretary of Arab affairs for Sëriñ 'Abdul Ahad Mbàkke (1914-1989), who served as the third Khalifa General of Muridiyya from 1968 to 1989. As secretary of Arab affairs, he traveled extensively in the Arab-Muslim world.

Photo courtesy of the West African Research Association.