DLIR Digital Archive

The DLIR Archive was established as part of the Cooperative Digitization of International Research Materials (CDIRM) project. CDIRM utilized participating American overseas research centers’ (AORCs) connections to collaborate with foreign archives and special collections that hold unique and rare research materials. Selected materials from Guatemala, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Yemen, and Mongolia, aand numerous other countries where AORCs are located are made easily and freely available over the Internet to American and international scholars and students. Not only are most of these materials uncataloged, unavailable, or unknown to scholars, most are extremely difficult to access (because of location, unsettled political conditions, privacy issues, or bureaucratic procedures). The Coordinator of the Digital Library for International Research, located at the Center for Research Libraries, acts as program manager. As were the creation of the DLIR union catalog and the LALORC program, this CDIRM is funded by a 4-year matching grant from the U.S. Department of Education's Technological Innovation and Cooperation for Foreign Information Access (TICFIA) program.

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Featured Collection

Maps of the Ottoman Empire

The W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) in Jerusalem in cooperation with the Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes (CAMEL) at the University of Chicago scanned and geo-referenced a series of topographical maps of Eastern Turkey and the lands of the broader Ottoman Empire with a grant from the US Department of Education TICFIA program. The bulk of the collection contains topographical maps compiled at the British Intelligence Division War Office in 1915 derived from…Read more »

Featured Item

Plan de la ville de Gilbraltar [sic]... Aftekening van Gibraltar

Engraved map by Pierre Husson.
17 x 36.5 cm.