Yemen Bibliography was compiled by American Institute for Yemeni Studies [Yemen].
There are 2 entries in 2 reference types in this bibliography searching keyword with Yemen-USSR.


  • Baldry, J. (1984). One hundred years of Yemeni history: 1849-1948. In J. Chelhod (Ed.), La Société yéménite de l'Hégire aux idéologies modernes (2 ed.) (pp. 69-111). Paris: G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose.
    Keyword(s): Asir, History, Uprising, Yemen-France, Yemen-USSR
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML


  • Baldry, J. (1984). Soviet relations with Saudi Arabia and the Yemen, 1917-1938. Middle Eastern Studies, 20 (1), 53-80.
    Keyword(s): Yemen-USSR
    Cite: BibTex | CSV | XML