Yemen Bibliography was compiled by American Institute for Yemeni Studies [Yemen].
There are 3 entries in 1 reference type in this bibliography searching keyword with Informal.


  • Chaudhry, K. (1989). The price of wealth: Business and state in labor remittance and oil economies. International Organization, 43 (1), 101-45.
    Keyword(s): Banking, Informal, Migration, Remittances, State-building
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  • Meyer, G. (1985). Sozioökonomische Handlungsstrategien und sozialgruppenspezifische Kooperationsformen im informellen Sektor von Sanaa/Nordjemen. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 29 (2), 107-16.
    Keyword(s): Informal, Migration, YAR
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  • Serjeant, R. (1976). Notes on some aspects of Arab business practices in Aden. al-Bait (Studia Instituti Anthropos, St Augustin bei Bonn), 28, 309-15.
    Keyword(s): Aden, Informal
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