Yemen Bibliography was compiled by American Institute for Yemeni Studies [Yemen].
There are 5 entries in 3 reference types in this bibliography searching keyword with Economic.


  • Burmistrov, V. (1977). NDRI: Pervoe desiatiletia nezavizimogo razvitiia. In E. Lebedev (Ed.), Istoriia i ekonomika arabskikh stran: sbornik statei (pp. 3-24). Moscow: Iz. Nauka.
    Keyword(s): Agriculture, Colonization, Economic, History, Industry, PDRY, Reforms, South Arabia
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  • Keddie, N. (1988). The Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen): History and society. In J. Friedlander (Ed.), Sojourners and Settlers: The Yemeni Immigrant Experience (pp. 1-16). Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
    Keyword(s): Economic, History
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  • Segall, M., & Williams, G. (1983). Primary health care in Democratic Yemen: Evolution of policy and political commitment. In D. Morley (Ed.), Practising Health for All (p. n.a.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Keyword(s): Economic, Maternal, PDRY, Policy, Political, Primary
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  • Chaudhry, K. (1990). The Price of Wealth: Business and State in Labor Remittance and Oil Economies. (Doctoral Dissertation). Harvard University, Ann Arbor.
    Keyword(s): Economic, Remittances
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