Yemen Bibliography was compiled by American Institute for Yemeni Studies [Yemen].
There are 6 entries in 2 reference types in this bibliography searching keyword with Costume.


  • Champault, D. (1981). Note sur deux exemples (Yémen, Syrie) de l'adaptation du vêtement au milieu végétal. In d. Monique (Ed.), Vêtement et sociétés (1 ed.) (pp. 143-46). Paris: Musée de l'Homme.
    Keyword(s): Costume
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  • Kuczynski, L. (1985). Les Juifs du Yémen: Approche ethnologique. In J. Chelhod (Ed.), Culture et institutions du Yémen (3 ed.) (pp. 277-302). Paris: G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose.
    Keyword(s): Costume, Economy, Education, Jewish, Jews
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  • Mundy, M. (1983). Sana'a dress, 1920-1975. In R. Serjeant (Ed.), Sana'a: An Arabian Islamic City (pp. 529-41). London: World of Islam Festival Trust.
    Keyword(s): Akhdam, Costume, Jewelry, Modern
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