Transnationalism Bibliography

  • Arias Sanchez, O. (2000). A Strong, Transnational Coalition. UN at the Beginning of a New Millennium. UN Chronicle, 37-2 (2000), 11.
    Keyword(s): NGOs

Question(s) addressed by the author and working arguments

Research on the United Nations, brief historical review, focus in the importance it has on the ongoing effort to build a better world. As the new millennium dawns, the United Nations must rededicate itself to the noble principles on which it was founded, and seek innovative and imaginative responses to the complex challenges of our day. And because the Organization is the world’s foremost international institution, it must lead the way in crafting global solutions to global problems.

Conceptual references to transnational – transnationalism

The existence of a strong transnational coalition that is conscious of the need for action on a global scale would encourage UN Member States to give their full backing to the Organization in its efforts to address important international concerns.

Conclusions or Final Remarks

To guarantee the success of its efforts, the United Nations will have to deepen its ties with the growing community of non-governmental organizations. By sharing resources and expertise with NGOs, the United Nations will make its operations more effective. Moreover, it will have to seek the support and cooperation of the people of the world, ensuring that they understand the importance of the Organization’s work. The existence of a strong transnational coalition that is conscious of the need for action on a global scale would encourage UN Member States to give their full backing to the Organization in its efforts to address important international concerns. The United Nations has an important role to play in this ongoing effort to build a better world. It made incalculable contributions to the causes of peace, justice and human dignity in the nineties and, with a renewed commitment to the ideals outlined in tits Charter, the United Nations will achieve even more in the twenty-first century.