Transnationalism Bibliography

  • Acosta-Belen, E., & Bose, C. (2000). U.S. Latina and Latin American Feminisms: Hemispheric Encounters. Signs, 25-4 (Summer), 1113-1119.
    Keyword(s): Gender, Globalization, Women

Question(s) addressed by the author and working arguments

The growing of globalization of the world capitalist economy, which will continue its expansionist trend into the new millennium, represents a decisive turning point in any reappraisal of the evolution of women’s movements and conditions in the developed and developing countries of the Americas. Any analysis of this nature requires consideration of the interplay between the structural conditions that Latinas face the US society and the transnational interconnections that different Latino/a groups maintain with their respective Latin American and Caribbean countries of origin.

The liberations movements of the 1960s and 1970s influenced the advent of both ethnic and women’s/feminist studies, and Latin American and Caribbean area studies. It was US Latinas who introduced gender into ethnic studies and racial studies into women’s studies.

Lesbian and Gay issues also came out of the intellectual closet, and perhaps one of the most noticeable new areas of scholarship in Latinos/as in recent years has been the deconstruction of female and male sexuality and a concomitant denunciation of heterosexism.

The goal of cross-border solidarities and coalitions around specific issues such as health, the environment, human rights, violence against women, prostitution, major socioeconomic inequalities, or survival in the informal economy can be advanced only if major differences among the women of the Americas are recognized and if we engage in dialogue based on mutual respect for our differences and seek a convergence of goals. Since globalization implies the creation of new regional centres of capital accumulation and the formation of new alliances among social sectors at local, national, or transnational levels using new technologies.

Conceptual references to transnational – transnationalism

Transnational migration, transnational links and transnational levels.

Conclusions or Final Remarks

For peasant, poor, and working-class women, the primarily concern is survival; escaping war and violence or having ready access to shelter, food, and potable water for their families. Professional women strive for increase political participation and socioeconomic equality. For other women the topics are sexuality, reproductive rights, and health issues, running the gamut from sex tourism and prostitution, female circumcision, and selective abortion to protection of AIDS and the availability of safe birth control. Increasing transnational migration and continuing transnational links make these issues part of a common cause.